Summer 2017

The staff at Ace Tennis Camps will working hard throughout the Winter months to ensure that next years Tennis Camps are just as a success as this past summer.
The next Camp in our portfolio is the Easter training camp in Barcelona. This tennis camp is specifically for players 9+ who wish to enjoy an intensive training week on red clay. The Camp is based about 45 minutes North of Barcelona and is in a picturesque family resort. Boasting 12 red clay courts and 3 swimming pools its the ideal base for this Ace Tennis training camp. The camp is aimed at players who compete regularly and are looking to enhance their tournament skills. The camp comes at a great time of year when players are preparing for the busy tournament season in the UK.
As in previous years, we hope to organise some local Spanish juniors to provide some external competition. Places will be limited and we are receiving many enquiries about this trip.
There are many interesting things developing in the world of tennis at the moment and it looks like the end of season pro tour will be fascinating to follow. If anybody is attending the ATP World Tour Finals in London, please let us know and we may see you there!
This month we would also like to mention one of our valued staff members Lauren Prince has begun her tennis scholarship to Tiffin University, near Philadelphia. It has taken Lauren many hours of hard work both academically and on the tennis court to achieve this dream. From what we have heard she is really thriving in her new environment. Hopefully Lauren will be back at Ace Tennis Camps next summer and any of our students who harbour similar ambitions can speak with Lauren and get a feel for what is it like to be a student athlete in the USA.
Congratulations are also in order for Ace Tennis Camps coach Mat Lowe who has started a new role at one of the UK's leading high performance academies. Mat will be working with young ATP/WTA ranked players and guiding them on the next part of their careers. Mat will be back at Ace Tennis Camps next summer alongside his new role.
Please watch out for our emails in your inbox as this month we will have an exclusive offer for early signups to tennis camps in 2017. We really hope you will join us and wish you a fantastic October.
Thank you for reading
The Ace Tennis Team