All cancellations must be made by the person who made the booking. Notification thereof should be sent to us in writing by registered post, recorded delivery or email and shall take effect upon the date of receipt by Ace Tennis Camps.
If you have to cancel your booking, you will be charged according to the following scale:
Cancellation charges are based on a percentage of the total price for the whole period booked excluding insurance premiums, which are always non-refundable. Cancellation charges are sometimes reclaimable by your insurance policy.
Cancellation of individual passengers within a party, in addition to attracting cancellation charges, may also mean re-invoicing of the remaining passengers at brochure prices for the new party size.
It is understood that if Ace Tennis Ltd does not receive payment in full by the due date, the reserved place(s) may be treated as cancelled and that the cancellation fees set out herein may be levied. For Barcelona and Queenswood summer camps the due date is 6 weeks prior to the start date. For all other courses it is also 6 weeks prior to the start date. Bookings made after the due date referred to above are payable in full at the time of booking.
If, after we have issued a written confirmation, you wish to amend any of the booking details, we shall do our best to accommodate your requirements but we do reserve the right to make a charge of £25 per alteration to cover the administrative work involved. This applies to amendments made more than 8 weeks prior to the start date. Amendments made within 8 weeks of departure may be treated as a cancellation of the booking with a liability to pay cancellation charges. Name changes are considered as an amendment.
It is most unlikely that the management will have to change any of your booking arrangements, but should any amendment become necessary, we will do our best to provide comparable arrangements. If these are not possible, a full and immediate refund will be made and the management will be under no further liability.
We cannot, however, accept liability for any loss, damage or expense or make refunds in the event of any changes (whether before or during a stay at one of our venues) arising from force majeure such as war, threat of war, riots, civil strife, strikes, natural disasters, fire, technical problems with transportation, airport closures, quarantine, epidemics, pandemics, weather conditions, government action, or other events beyond our control.
Whilst every effort is made to ensure that our tennis coaching program is completed, where there is curtailment or abandonment due to adverse weather conditions (the decision for which rests solely with the course Director), we cannot accept any liability therefor nor make full or partial refunds in respect thereof. Our clients freely accept the risk that weather conditions may adversely affect in whole or in part the number of coaching hours to be provided.
Bookings are made on the understanding that any participant may be photographed and/or filmed for any publication or production relating to our Tennis Camps.
If there are any changes to your travel arrangements in terms of delays, cancellations, schedule changes etc., we cannot accept liability for any loss, damage or expense resulting therefrom or make refunds in respect of monies paid. Any such changes will not invalidate any contract with us for the provision of a holiday or holidays.
A reservation is fully constituted once the application has been confirmed.
We reserve the right to reject any applicant for participation in our courses without giving a reason.
We reserve the right to expel without refund any participant whose behaviour, in the opinion of the management, is detrimental to the smooth running of our programs. In these circumstances, any costs necessitated by an expulsion (e.g. extra travel costs) will be met by the expelled participant or (where appropriate) by the parents or guardians of the expelled participant.
Bookings are accepted only on the basis that all the terms and conditions contained herein have been read and accepted.
We reserve the right to make any such alterations to our programs and to the arrangements relating thereto as the management deems necessary.
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the details describing our Tennis Camps are correct and whilst the management is confident that participants will enjoy the essential elements of what is described, liability cannot be accepted for changes that are out of the management control.