A look back at 2016

A wonderful 2016 for Ace Tennis Camps
Every year since 1999 has been so rewarding for all of us involved at Ace Tennis Camps. We were fortunate to to find a fantastic location in Barcelona to expand our tennis camps. The venue in the Catalan countryside allows Ace Tennis to offer more events throughout the year. It's been an exciting year for all those involved in Ace Tennis Camps as we continue to strive to provide the best possible tennis camp experience for all our players. Each year, we see our percentage of returning clients increase and this is a source of great satisfaction.
This year we have also seen many players that were former players return as assistant coaches. This is a wonderful development as it keeps the Ace Tennis Camp community growing and staying in contact with each other.
One of our former pupils and coaches has now started her career in American University Tennis. Lauren Prince has been involved with Ace Tennis since the beginning and we are delighted with her tennis journey. We already have many of our former players enquiring and taking their qualifications in order to be part of the 2017 coaching team at Ace Tennis Camps.
This year also saw the launch of Ace Tennis Travel (www.acetennistravel.com) as we have expanded into more tennis events in Europe. Developing our brand is a huge part of the future and something we appreciate all your support with, through recommendations and great reviews!
There has never been a better time to be involved with tennis in the United Kingdom, we are truly flying high. The game is gaining in popularity and we are in a great place to capture the enthusiastic young players who will be looking for their first tennis camp.
We hope very much people will continue to enjoy our tennis camps in 2017 and continue to tell friends and family. We look forward to welcoming you to Ace Tennis Camps and hope December is a great month for you and your family.
Thank you for reading.
Chris Osborne